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Guarantor Application Form

    Property Details

    You will be responsible for the full rent as a guarantor.

    Guarantor Details

    Address History

    Employment Details

    If your employment is likely to change please supply your offer letter or contract of new employment

    Full time employedPart Time EmployedTemporary/ContractStudentUnemployedSelf-Employed RetiredHousewife/Home MakerPayment in Advance

    Employer Reference Provider Details

    Accountant Details

    Please only complete if you are self employed

    Affordability Detail

    Additional Information

    Please also be aware that it may harm your application if you say NO and are later found to have County Court Judgments, Bankruptcy Orders etc.

    Use this space to provide any additional information we may have requested.

    Attach Documents

    Please provide any relevant documents and two forms of identification as follows.

    • Passport or Driving Licence

    • Utility Bill with current address


    Please read the declaration and sign and date below.


    I declare that:

    • The information contained in this application form is correct to the best of my knowledge. I have given my consent that all information contained in this application form may be passed on to third parties to carry out a credit check and tenancy references.

    • I have been advised that a search 'footprint' will be recorded on my credit report; this should not affect my ability to obtain credit in the future.

    • I have given my consent that all information contained in this application form can be stored electronically and manually by the letting agency and will only be deleted on my request I give my consent for all my personal details including phone number/ email address to be passed on to third party contractors where necessary during my tenancy.

    • In order to comply with the Immigration Act 2014, I understand that all persons who will be occupying the property will need to demonstrate that they have a Right to Rent and that checks on my/their immigration status will need to be carried out. The government criteria for the Right to Rent can be found by going to '' and searching Right to Rent.

    General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

    By providing us with the information in this application form you consent to us obtaining, holding and using personal data about you to enable us to make the necessary enquiries to determine your suitability to rent a property through this letting agency. This data will be held for as long as it is reasonably required for our legitimate use in connection with our letting services before, during and after the tenancy has ended.

    We will use this data to communicate with you and make contact details available to our third party, appointed contractors (and Landlords when applicable) to enable them to carry out repairs as reported by you or otherwise. For further details please refer to our PRIVACY POLICY which can be found on our website.

    By signing your agreement to proceed you are accepting that we may use and store your information in this way.